Thursday, December 27, 2012

Champion | Demo 2000

In this christmas period, time is missing for everyone, so just a little word about a Tape. Let's come back in the year 2000, Champion have released one year before his first demo tape - Demo '99 - and changed a little bit his line up.

So, the band put two new songs and an intro on a new demo tape, logically called Demo 2000. There are two different editions of this tape, the first one with only three songs, and the second one with an additionnal "song" called O.M.J. (One Man Jam) and recorded for fun by some band members during the recording sessions. You can hear this incredible hip hop beat on the bonus track of the Time Slip Away's CD released on Bridge Nine.

Concretely, the difference between the two editions are those : the mention of the song on the cover and a clear tape without band name or songs.

Mine is the first one with only three tracks. I don't know how many tapes have been produced, but despite the first demo, this time this was a professional release. A self released, but a professional self released !

The Tape came with an insert with lyrics and credits.

Refuse Records, a polish record label, also released two Champion's tapes : Promises Kept and Time Slip Away.

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